Monday, September 1, 2008

Contest Winner!!


As you may or may not know, I am a member of the Wedding Photojournalists Association. The members are a hand picked group of wedding photographers who specialize in documentary coverage. It was not easy to get in and I have to reapply to renew every year.

OK, so they have a contest four times a year that spans the membership worldwide. Now I have had great success in contests over the years with the Hearst Award being the crown jewel. Well, after entering the WPJA contests for more than a year and only getting a 16th place entry I was starting to sweat it.

Not this time.

I placed 5th overall this recent quarter. That is with international entries in all (10) categories combined. I had a first place entry for humor and a second place in reception. You can see all the latest winners at I am happy to finally do well in this especially difficult contest.

The best part is I will have a gold medallion next to my directory link so when clients search for photographers they associate my name with the very best photojournalists in the group.

Here are the winners.

First Place-

This was actually a former bride, Cara, inspecting the tooling of her sister's dress. I cropped the bride's head off for maximum humor factor.

Second Place-

Just being in the right place at the right time. Quite a party going on!

Take Care!!


Anonymous said...


What a great catch and TOTALLY original!!

I found your site from the pictage forums. Great stuff.


Morgan said...

Congrats on the wins! You were long overdue a great contest win with your wedding photos. :) They look great Rob!